Sep 29, 2021
I recently appeared on a podcast called The Plastic
Plesiosaur Podcast. They asked me for a copy of the
theme to this show and I realized I never made that
available? So... here it is!
The music is by Greig Johnson and
the singing is by Rachel Lackey.
The lyrics are by me, Blake Smith. And in case you have trouble...
Sep 19, 2021
Jeb and Blake continue their coverage of the influential film Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Part two of this session is exclusive to our wonderful Patrons.
Full show notes includes additional images and material with background on the science and nonsense behind this movie.
Quftis: "men from the Upper Egyptian town
Sep 12, 2021
Jeb and Blake tackle the Ooky world of Monster Hunters.
Nimoy in the forest shadows...
Peter Byrne and Tim Dinsdale - two legendary monster hunters meet.
Monsters in the intro to this episode are from the TV film Manbeast! Myth or Monster
For reasons I can't explain, some of the images in this...