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In Research Of

Jun 27, 2020

Dive into the Great White North as we look beneath the surface of Lake Okanogan to see if we can find The Ogopogo Monster

Watch this episode of ISO on YouTube. 

Re-Creation of water-skiing sighting of Ogopogo


The Ogo-Pogo: The Funny Fox-trot - via Karl Shuker's blog.

(Note: The lyrics listed here are not the same as in the recording, apparently due to differences between the published sheet music and the actual recording. Chiefly, in the actual recorded song, the lyrics match this version.)

The music was by Ralph Butler. The lyrics were by Cumberland Clark

Lake Okanagan (Wikipedia)


Nimoy vs Blue Steel:

comparing Nimoy's look with Zoolander's BLUE STEEL.


Modern Coelacanths are larger than their fossil ancestors.

Book: Lake Monster Traditions: A Cross-Cultural Analysis 

Tribal representatives give really interesting lore about the lake and its dangerous water spirit.

First Nation reps give fireside Ogopogo talk


Editors at ISO give us this "1970s calendar worthy" fade shot of the lake and First Nations representatives.

Reminds me of a calendar photo

The famous Three Wolf Moon t-shirt.

Kelowna Museum - where we meet Ursula Surtees

More on Ursula.

Ursula Surtees in First Nations garb


Mid-Atlantic accent 

Mary Moon! (author)

Author Mary Moon


More on Canadian Dainty. 

Ben Radford & Joe Nickell's Lake Monster Mysteries 

The Lambton Worm song - not to be confused with the D'Ampton Worm Song from Lair of the White Worm (the movie, not the book).

Galvanic Corrosion on boat engine casing.


Alleged sighting of Ogopogo seen in ISO episode:

image of Ogopogo that strongly resembles waves

Jeb compares photos from Loch Ness he shot:
Jeb Card photo of Loch Ness with similar waves

Image of hoaxopogo

Willard Bascom, director of Southern California Waters Research Project appears as science expert. (and John McCain lookalike)
meanwhile at the aquarium

Jeb describes IncEELs - apparently, there is something to this.

Arlene Gaal - author and owner of the film shown at end of the episode. 

Nimoy Fashion Forensics:
Are the shooting locations of Ogopogo and Astrology the same place? I think the yellow house with verticle exterior planking looks very much like it's the same building and setting.  We will keep an eye on this to see if further clues emerge!

season 2 - fashion forensics