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In Research Of

May 5, 2020

Watch this ISO episode on YouTube 

[explicit] Jeb and Blake discuss the In Search Of... episode about the mysterious character known as The Count of St. Germain. 

We talk a little about the I AM movement and Mt. Shasta lore, but if you want a real deep dive, check out our 2-part Shaver Mystery coverage from MonsterTalk:

Shaver pt 1
Shaver pt 2 

Okay - you may have wondered about that insert about William Blake? That comes from Noel Fielding's TV series and you'll just have to watch it.  It's very surreal and requires a bit of knowledge about WB's famous painting of the ghost of a flea.

There was a 1975 TV movie titled "The Man Who Would Not Die" but it appears to be unrelated to the ISO episode.

TV listing for movie "the man who would not die"

Mentioned in the episode:
Jaguar Jungle 

 Voltaire and the Great Rap Battles of history

Madame de Pompadour 

The Doctor Who episode Blake mentioned (The Girl in the Fireplace)

Elizabeth Clare Prophet 

Dr. Peter Reill 

Jeb's favorite scene of the imperiled lamp.

In Search Of camera almost hits a green lamp

Jeb's list of people in the age of "average life expectancy of 35:"

  • Voltaire, 83 years
  • Ben Franklin, 84 years
  • Maria Theresa, 63 years
  • Catherine the Great, 67 years
  • George Washington, 67 years
  • Thomas Jefferson, 83 years
  • John Locke, 72 years
  • Rousseau, 66 years
  • Immanuel Kant, 80 years
  • Louis XV, 64 years
  • George III, 82 years
  • William Blake, 70 years

Episode written by Nicholas Webster - who also directed the cult classic Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1964) which introduced the world to Pia Zadora.

If you want to dive in on St. Germain legends, plus hear a surprising cameo by a famous actor/comedian, Astonishing Legends did a 3-part series on The Count.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.


Nimoy Fashion Alert - Nimoy is almost upstaged by his setting, but not quite.

Leonard Nimoy with red sports jacket and gray slacks

My only complaint about his fashion is that the lighting on this set makes his skin look pale and yellow. But that Asssssssscot.

Close up of Leonard Nimoy's cravat