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In Research Of

Jul 13, 2020

(Watch this ISO episode on YouTube)

Jeb and Blake are surprised to find no aliens and almost no magic as we pursue PYRAMID SECRETS.

Shabti (aka Ushabti) servant "robots"

3D Models of Shabti (Sketchfab)

3D Model - Great Pyramid of Khufu (aka Cheops) (Sketchfab)

Frit - fused "glass batch" 

Faience - Egyptian ceramic like Frit

Flood cycle of the Nile

Three seasons of Akhet (Inundation), Peret (Growth), and Shemu (Harvest)

Transamerica Pyramid 

Stanford Research Institute (SRI)

Harold Puthoff (SRI)

Jason Colavito on Puthoff & "flying saucer material" 

John B. Alexander (SRI)

Doug Englebart and the "Mother of All Demos"

Dolphin Lab at SRI

Dolphin on Egypt 

More on Dolphin 

This excerpt gives some context to Dolphin's mixture of materialist science and desire for the numinous/spiritual.

Dolphin web page extract

Biblical Archaeologists:


Biblical Archaeology & William F. Albright 

Robert Schoch - Sphinx age controversy

Schoch and Demons (Colavito Blog)

Schoch and (take a drink) Theosophy 

Cosmic Rays and Remote Sensing (not Remote Viewing)

Alchemy and Hermes Trismegistus 



Desertification of Egypt 

Pyramid Power (Loxton's resources)



Broken Pyramid (Meidum) - Either Djoser or Sneferu (reign 2613 - 2589)

Bent Pyramid

Red Pyramid 


Consultant Gerald LaRue

Nimoy Fashion - plus fabulous pyramid model

Nimoy Fashion - Pyramid Edition

Close-up reveals corduroy fabric

Nimoy Fashion - corduroy detail

Check out this Amazing "James Bond Safari Infographic" by Matt Spaiser.


Here's a photo of Giza from the 1920s that we mentioned:

1920s flappers on a pyramid

Photos Jeb provided from various museum trips:

Coffin Texts

coffin texts

Book of the Dead:

book of the dead

Imhotep (Left) with other gods in Ashmolean museum:

Imhotep statue

Imhotep and faience tiles from Djozer (Ashmolean):

imhotep tiles from djozer

